Buying Options

How To Apply For A NHE House.

Visit the nearest Regional Office of NHE to find out about projects in your area. You can then register as a potential buyer and your name will be placed on our waiting list. Our staff will contact you immediately when a suitable house is available for you.
Construction workers building houses in a complex

New Homes

We offer a variety of house types.

Unfinished houses in a complex

Home Loans

NHE offers loans to its customers as per the mandate of the Government of the Republic of Namibia, set out in the NHE Act 5 of 1993 and Act 32 of 2000 as amended. Applicants who already own houses will not be considered for an NHE housing loan.

The current Maximum Loan Repayment Term is 20 (Twenty) years or 240 (Two Hundred and Forty) Months. Loan repayment should happen before applicant reaches 60 years.

Finished houses in a complex

Applications Forms

We have the capacities to take on really big projects. With complete vehicle park and our own concrete production we can meet your needs with ease.

Documentation needed when applying for a NHE Loans.

  • Latest Pay slip/s not older than two months (both spouses)
  • ID/s or certified copies of ID (both spouses)
Housing Application Form